CROW’S-FEET are thought to have originated in Chaucer Poem, Troilus and Criseyde 1385
' Till Crowes feet be grown under your eyes'
We don't like them yet most of us will develop some throughout our life. I developed crows feet around my eyes when I was in my late twenties. To say I hated them is an understatement. When I looked in the mirror that was all I could see. I have gone to some drastic lengths to eradicate them but you know what, they came back. At 61 I have long learned to come to terms with them and accept them as part of me. But I have learned loads about them and how they can be prevented or at least minimised. So what are these wrinkles that are etched into the corner of the eyes that we call crow's-feet?
Crow’s-feet are expression lines and habitual movements in part formed by the movement patterns of our facial expressions. When I look at a face there is something very lovely when the skin at the side of the eyes crinkles up and the eyes shine when a person is smiling and laughing. There is a wonderful sense of loveliness when someone's smile and laugh is carefree. These wrinkles are the creases that we see on the epidermis, the outer most part of the skin. The layer of skin under the epidermis is the dermis and it is here that crow’s feet are formed. Two essential proteins are required for the prevention of crow’s feet and these are collagen and elastin and it is in the dermis layer where these proteins are found. Collagen is found in connective tissue and it gives structure to our skin, hair, nails, bones, ligaments and tendons. Collagen gives strength and volume to our skin.
Elastin is the second protein found in the dermis and it allows the skin to resume its shape and bounce back after it is stretched or pinched. As our facial muscles are our muscles of expression it is important that there is sufficient collagen and elastin in the skin to allow the skin to bounce back to normal following movement.
The third layer or lower layer of the skin is the home of our sweat glands, loose connective tissue and fat. If we have a loss of fat in the face then wrinkling and sagging is most likely to occur.
As we grow older there is a constant change of all the components that make up the skin, including water, enzymes, chemicals, minerals and protein. As we grow older the % of collagen decreases in our skin and the rate of production of new collagen slows and wrinkles begin to form. So we have less new collagen and a decrease in the existing collagen.
Elastin is also influenced with time and as we grow older it doesn’t retract to its normal youthful shape but does instead remain stretched like an old elastic band.
Combined with the loss of fat in the inner most layer there is a reduced volume for the skin to cover and so the skin hangs over itself causing wrinkles.
So how can we prevent Crows feet or at least stop them from become deep lines.
Keep a healthy diet rich in antioxidants. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables that are as freshly picked as you can get. Cocoa drinks contains catechin and epicatechin, which help improve oxygen circulation and blood flow to the skin. It’s a wrinkle reducing drink. A glass of water with aloe vera daily will also help and is great for the digestive system. Drink plenty of water and drink a good quality bone broth daily.
Cut out cigarette smoking and reduce your alcohol intake.
Wear a good sun screen
Try to get good restful sleep
Take up meditation and practice daily. Meditation will bring about deep restful quietness that is wonderful for our health and our skin.
Good skin care routine
Keep your gums and teeth healthy.
Look after your bones as your facial bones are the foundation on which your face sits.
For me the three most essential practices for a youthful healthy face and skin care and the management of those lovely laugh lines is the practice of meditation, drinking good quality bone broth daily and of course regular face yoga practice.