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  • 12 Weeks
  • 21 Steps


Welcome to video 2 of your face exercise/yoga class and congratulations on your purchase. In this video there are 19 movements which are combination of the Eve Fraser face exercise system, face yoga techniques and gentle face massage. This is a intermediate to advance programme and if you haven't already practiced the beginners programme I strongly advise that you do so. The purpose of this video training session is to build on the techniques that you have learned in video 1. Be sure to follow the sequence of the exercises in the order given. Perform the exercises gentle. Some of the movements you will have already practiced in session 1. The frequency of performing the exercises depends on your age and general overall health. Here is a general guideline for the frequency of when to perform movements. 20-30 years around twice a week 30-40 years three to four times a week 40- 45 years four times a week 45- upwards up to five times a week. Always have 2 days rest from exercises each week. If you are unsure of how often to practice please connect with me and we can have a chat. Remember do not over exercise. Your facial muscles are your muscles of expression and if you over exercise you will introduce strain into your face. If you notice that your face looks strained please rest from exercise for a week or two and then pick it up again. Remember regular practice is key but don't over do it either.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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